Artificial Intelligence
Here you will find an overview of our work on artificial intelligence.
Media coverage
Powerful AI tool launched in Norway: Create videos in seconds
Anders Eidesvik, advisor at Langsikt, is interviewed by NRK in connection with the launch of the AI-video tool Sora in Norway. -We are seeing signs that European leaders will soften the regulations a little bit [around AI]. This is to be able to compete with China and the United States in the field of AI, according to Eidesvik.
New ChatGPT is a master at deceiving you
The latest model of ChatGPT has proven in new tests to be able to deceive its users. Anders Eidesvik, AI advisor in Langsikt, comments on the story and calls this a warning shot of what may come when agents and even more advanced systems become widely available.
How much should we fear AI-based superintelligence?
Aksel Braanen Sterri, Research director at Langsikt, met Anders Løland, Research Director at the Norwegian Computing Center for a discussion in Dagsnytt 18. Anders Løland and Inga Strümke have advocated that the discussion around superintelligent AI takes attention away from current AI problems. Aksel calls this “a dumbing down of the AI debate,” and believes there is good reason to fear super-intelligent KI systems.
Here's how Trump could stumble in the race with China
The United States has begun to wake up to the galloping KI developments. The outcome could be a new, cold and digital war with China. Post in Dagsavisen by Aksel Braanen Sterri.
Tore Renberg kritiserer Digitaliseringsministerns holdning til KI-sikkerhet
Tore Renberg kritiserer digitaliseringsministerens svar til fagsjef Aksel Braanen Sterri på Dagsnytt 18 den 26.09. Tung svarer: «Jeg tror ikke på dommedagsscenarioene.» - "Merk hvilket ord hun bruker: «Tror.» Som Braanen Sterri sa: Sånn kan vi ikke holde på. Vi kan ikke basere den største revolusjonen i moderne tid på tro. Det har folk forsøkt før. For hva er tro? Tro er følelser. Og menneskene i samfunnet er ikke eksperter, de er følelsesklumper. Det skal de få lov til å være. Det er den styrende parten som ikke har lov til å styre etter følelser."
Fagsjef Aksel Braanen Sterri kommenterer regjeringens nye digitaliseringsstategi i Dagsnytt 18
Fagsjef Aksel Braanen Sterri kommenterer og diskuterer regjeringens nye digitaliseringsstategi med Digitaliseringsminister Karianne Tung i Dagsnytt 18. Sterri etterlyser at Digitaliseringsstrategien lytter til de ledende forskerne på KI og tar på alvor de mulige alvorlige truslene fra KI.
Research Director Aksel Braanen Sterri comments on the Perpektivin NRK Nyheter
“We need a perspective message with multiple perspectives.” This was the main message of Aksel Braanen Sterri, Head of Science, when he spoke about artificial intelligence (AI) at Norsk rikskringkasting (NRK) in connection with the launch of the perspective message. Previous perspective reports have overlooked the financial crisis, the pandemic, wars and most recently artificial intelligence, i.e. the really big events. Instead of just presenting one scenario, we should acknowledge the uncertainty we live with. This allows us to assess how robust our societal institutions are in the face of many different futures, not just the one that most closely resembles the past.
AI entrepreneur tests basic salary. — Need a drastic realignment.
Academic Director Aksel Braanen Sterri was interviewed by Aftenposten about the major citizen wage study funded by Sam Altman.