The scaling laws that drive AI development.
Artificial intelligence (“AI”) has great potential, but the technology and management systems to use the technology are immature. This article provides public and private companies with an overview of the central parts of the risk picture in the face of artificial intelligence and what can be done to address relevant risk factors. This is how Norwegian companies can set the standard for responsible use of AI.
Long term has contributed to this international report on technology for securing KI. “Risk & Reward” investigates the burgeoning AI Assurance Technology (AIAT) market, a sector poised to redefine how enterprises, investors, and legislators navigate the complexities of AI adoption and its attendant risks. This report aims to unpack the intricacies of this nascent market, exploring the evolving landscape of risk management in the age of AI, the pressing need for innovative compliance-enabling solutions, and the market opportunities that await proactive stakeholders.
How to manage AI risk? A guide for Norwegian businesses. A collaboration between EY and Langsikt
Jacob Wulff Wold and Aksel Braanen Sterri respond to criticism from Kjetil Rommetveit and Ragnar Fjelland.
The fact that the problems belong to the future does not mean that we should postpone the discussion of artificial general intelligence until we are in the middle of them.
In December, EU policymakers reached a political consensus on the main contentious issues of the AI Act (KI Regulation), the EU's flagship for regulating artificial intelligence. After a month of technical clarifications, formal agreement was reached on Friday.
In this note, we map risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and propose solutions. The aim is to form the basis for a more informed conversation about how Norway can help reduce risks and exploit the potential inherent in the technology.
Senter for langsiktig politikk takker for muligheten til å gi innspill til SV og Venstres representantforslag. Den viktigste mangelen i forslagene mener vi er en mer målrettet politikk for å sikre en trygg KI-utvikling.
Senter for langsiktig politikk viser til oppfordring til innspill på ny nasjonal digitaliseringsstrategi fra Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet.