The scaling laws that drive AI development.
Either they ignore the challenges, or they ridicule them.
Do we have moral obligations towards people that do not yet exist? In long-term ethics, one is concerned with the future, but what does it really entail?
This report, prepared in collaboration with ALLFED, highlights the ongoing threat to Norway's food systems from abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios (ASRS), caused by events such as a volcanic eruption, nuclear conflict or an asteroid impact. Historically, such scenarios have severely disrupted the global climate and would have catastrophic consequences for food security around the world if they were to occur again. However, there are effective measures that Norwegian authorities can take to strengthen preparedness both before and after such an event, which can reduce disruptions to the food system and save lives globally.
Langsikt thanks for the opportunity to contribute to Norway's preparations for the UN Secretary-General's report on autonomous weapons systems. (NB: The PDF is in Norwegian)
Senter for langsiktig politikk viser til høringsbrev av 16. juni 2023 der Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet ber om innspill til Totalberedskapskommisjonens utredning NOU 2023:17 Nå er det alvor - Totalberedskapskommisjonen.
Vedum gjør smart i å inkludere sikkerhetspolitikk i den kommende perspektivmeldingen, men han utelater fortsatt noen av vår tids største trusler.
Det er vårt moralske ansvar å handle i tråd med interessene til dem som ennå ikke er født.