We are in a race against the clock.
If Norway does not quickly become part of the EU health community, Norway could end up last in the vaccine line if a new pandemic strikes us.
Here politics has become entwined with what should have been open and free research.
The corona pandemic has been the biggest global crisis of our time. It has cost millions of lives, trillions of dollars and inflicted countless other negative consequences on society. The origins of the pandemic remain an unanswered question. In this document, we review the available knowledge. Based on this, we assess it as of June 2024, as most likely that the pandemic was the result of an accident at a research laboratory in Wuhan, not from natural contagion from animals at the wet market close by. We also point out how both the political and scientific system have failed in dealing with the issue and thus stood in the way of designing a knowledge-based preparedness and prevention policy for future pandemics.
The twin revolutions in biotechnology and artificial intelligence will, in the future, dramatically increase the ability of humans to decode and program genetic code. This gives us the ability to design completely new biological functions and organisms - called synthetic biology. Synthetic biology will, over the next few decades, create trillion-class values and help us solve challenges in climate, animal welfare, food supply, medicine, vaccines, biomaterials and many other areas. At the same time, synthetic biology can have disastrous consequences either as a result of mishaps or intentional damage. In order to harness the enormous benefits that biorevolution can bring us, while avoiding the greatest dangers, we need to develop precise and ambitious policies. Download the memo to read more about this topic. If you would like to read the memo that specifically deals with the origin of the corona pandemic, you can find it here: www.langsikt.no/en/publikasjoner/lablekkasje.
Biological design will turn society upside down. Whether we like it or not.