Here you will find an overview of our work on biotechnology.
Media coverage
The need for dissidents
Torbjørn Røe Isaksen writes in E24 about the importance of dissent in a society, highlighting Langsikt's note on the lab leak hypothesis ( as well as the VG case on the same topic (, where Senior Advisor Sigrid Bratlie is interviewed, as an important example.
It could be the biggest scandal of all time.
“There are many elements of this case that are best explained by the fact that there was a lab leak.” VG writes about the origin of the corona pandemic, and has interviewed Senior Advisor Sigrid Bratlie among others.
Think agriculture drives scare propaganda: Starts in new think tank to promote genetic engineering
Senior advisor Sigrid Bratlie has been interviewed by Nationen about modern genetic engineering in food production. Sigrid points out that there are concerns about adopting genetic engineering that should be taken seriously. However, this should not stand in the way of all the positive aspects of GMOs, such as the significant contributions they can make to the path to a sustainable food system.
Vi står på terskelen til en slags «perfekt storm» i helsevesenet
Intervju av seniorrådgiver Sigrid Bratlie om helsepolitikk og regulering av bioteknologi. -Regelverket for bruk av genteknologi er i dag svært lite treffsikkert og paradoksalt nok motsatt av hvordan det burde være. Nyttig bruk av genteknologi, særlig innen matproduksjon, er overregulert av politiske årsaker, mens de virkelig farlige bruksområdene er underregulert.
Seniorrådgiver Sigrid Bratlie i Sommer i P2
Snart tar vi kontroll over gener og lager nytt liv. Det gir molekylærbiologen Sigrid tro på fremtiden - og noen søvnløse netter.
Senior Advisor Sigrid Bralie at Radio Mørch
Erlend Mørch talks to molecular biologist Sigrid Bralie about everything CRISPR can do: design babies, bio-weapons and centaurs. This episode has been nominated for the Prix Radio (radio industry awards) in the category Best Facts of the Year!