Here you will find an overview of our work on biotechnology.
Media coverage
Norway introduces EU regulations for genetically modified food and feed
The EEA regulations with the coaching record of a full 22 years are finally introduced in Norway. Sigrid Bratlie, Senior Advisor at Lang, debated the issue with Geir Pollestad in Dagsnytt 18.
The Lab Leak Theory: - The Great Scandal
Sigrid Bratlie, Senior Advisor at Langsikt, believes that the corona pandemic, most likely, was caused by an infectious accident at a laboratory at the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology.
CIA mener covid trolig stammer fra lab
- Denne saken er den viktigste i vår tid. Hvis forskning og teknologi har skapt en global katastrofe, er vi nødt til å rydde opp i det. Seniorrådgiver i Langsikt, Sigrid Bratlie, er intervjuet om lablekkasjeteorien.
We need more measures to protect against bird flu
Bird flu continues to spread, especially in the United States. Molecular biologist and Senior Advisor at LLangsikt, Sigrid Bratlie, believes we need more measures, such as wastewater monitoring, to protect us.
Mixed reception on Trump's proposal for health minister
Senior adviser to Langsikt, Sigrid Batlie, is skeptical of Donald Trump's proposal of Robert F. Kennedy as Secretary of Health of the United States. Kennedy is, among other things, skeptical towards vaccines. Feature in Dagsnytt 18.
Året da KI vant Nobelprisene
Seniorrådgiver Sigrid Bratlie kommenterer nobelprisen i kjemi og i medisin (som begge egentlig går til molekylærbiologi!) i Abels tårn spesial om årets Nobelpriser.
Senior Advisor Sigrid Bratlie discusses the lab leak theory in Dagsnytt 18
Senior Advisor Sigrid Bratlie meets Rein Aasland, professor of microbiology at UiO, and Minerva editor Nils August Andresen to discuss the possibility that a lab leak started the corona pandemic.
Complaints about Norwegian GMO ban to EU
Genetechnology expert Sigrid Bratlie complains about Norway's import ban on genetically modified corn and rapeseed to the European Union's control body ESA, because she believes it violates EEA rules. Law professor Hans Petter Graver believes Norway may have to lift the import ban.