
Here you will find an overview of our work on aid.


Media coverage

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Media coverage

Nigeria's Minister of Health: Norwegian leadership can save lives

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Better global health will benefit everyone, both in Nigeria and Norway, writes Nigeria's Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Muhammad Ali Pate.

Bill Gates on Norway: Never before has the world had a bigger need for Norway's moral leadership

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Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, writes in Aftenposten about the importance of Norwegian leadership on global aid. He highlights, among other things, the Stoltenberg Committee on Global Health, and underlines the conclusions of the report they presented in November.

Hopes a public panel can be crowbar on the Oil Fund

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Future in our hands, the Norwegian Church Aid and other NGOs believe that the people are ambitious for the future, and therefore ask them for recommendations to the politicians. “I have to admit that I have a slight fear that there will be recommendations that I disagree with,” says Eirik Mofoss of Langsikt.

Wednesday debate: Aid with an off-taste

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YouTube: Student Society in Trondheim

The Trondhjem Student Society is taking up the debate on Norway's aid priorities at this week's Wednesday debate. In the panel: Bjørg Sandkjær (Sp), State Secretary to the Minister of Development Anne Beathe Tvinnereim; Eirik Mofoss, Managing Director of Langsikt and Maria Lie Jordheim, Deputy Chairman of SAIH.

Everyone dances around the golden calf — the Norwegian Oil Fund

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Nettavisen has written commentary on NRK Debatten on November 13, which discussed monetary support to Ukraine given the oil fund's increased value as a result of the war. Among the guests was Managing Director Eirik Mofoss, who argued that we should also provide increased aid to countries in the south that are particularly affected by the effects of the war.

Vil endre norsk bistand – fra utsiden

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Panorama Nyheter

Langsikts bistandsteam Eirik Mofoss, Jon Lomøy og Cindy Robles er intervjuet i Panorama om sitt arbeid på bistandsfeltet.

Eirik Mofoss i NRKs Debatten om Ukraina-støtte og norsk superprofitt

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NRK Debatten

Daglig leder Eirik Mofoss møtte politikerne Ine Eriksen Søreide og Guri Melby og flere i debatt i NRK Debatten om hvorvidt Norge bør gi mer støtte til Ukraina, og eventuelt flere andre tiltak. Mofoss argumenterte for at vi også bør gi økt bistand til land i sør som er særlig rammet av krigens ringvirkninger, og at det blir feil om Norge skal beholde den uforskyldte krigsprofitten selv.

Stoltenberg Committee's response to Aftenposten's leadership post

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Camilla Stoltenberg, Bent Høie and Otter Mæstad from the Stoltenberg Committee on Global Health respond to Aftenposten's editorial from 5 November. They justify why they propose a larger budget for global health, and the importance of a world with better public health, less poverty and reduced inequality, both for solidarity but also for Norway's self-interest.