Launch of the Stoltenberg Committee Report and Recommendations on Global Health

Welcome to the launch of the Expert Committee on Global Health's report on Norway's efforts on global health in the years ahead!

Norway has had an internationally leading role in global health in the 2000s, helping to save millions of lives. How should this be carried forward in the future?

Today, a panel of experts led by Camilla Stoltenberg presents its final report, which looks at Norway's opportunities and challenges in global health up to 2050. How can Norway help reduce health inequalities, build robust health systems and increase international health security? What recommendations do they have for Norwegian politicians?

We get visits from both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health and Care and from the opposition in Parliament, as well as two of the world's nesters in global health. Join us to hear their thoughts on the report, and discuss Norway's efforts going forward.

When: Monday, November 4, 08.30-09.45 (coffee and light breakfast from 08.00)

Where: Forstanderskapssalen på Sentralen (3rd floor), Øvre Slottsgate 3, Oslo.

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  • Camilla Stoltenberg presents the main findings and recommendations of the report.
  • Panel conversation with Minister for Development Anne Beathe Tvinnereim, State Secretary, Ministry of Health and Care Usman Mushtaq, and several politicians (TBA).
  • Comments from former Prime Minister and Secretary General of the WHO, Gro Harlem Brundtland, and first head of GAVI,Tore Godal.

More information about the selection:
This spring, seven Norwegian NGOs and think-tanks joined forces to set up an expert committee on global health, led by Camilla Stoltenberg. The sponsors are the Red Cross, Church Emergency Aid, Save the Children, UNICEF Norway, Civita, Tankesmien Agenda and Long Term. See more info here: Expert committee to advise on Norway's efforts for global health

The aim of the committee is to provide Norwegian authorities with clear advice on how Norway can contribute to a more equitable and sustainable health effort in the decades to come.

The committee consists of ten people, including some of Norway's foremost experts in global health, health policy and international development. The following persons are members: Camilla Stoltenberg, Bent Høie, John-Arne Røttingen, Ole Frithjof Norheim, Ottar Mæstad, Karoline M. Linde, Anne-Marie Helland, Lumbwe Chola, Amanda Hylland Spjælnes, and Trygve Ottersen.


November 4
08.30-09.45 (breakfast and coffee from 08.00)


Sentralen (3rd floor), Øvre Slottsgate 3, Oslo.


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